Not getting enough quality matches on Hinge, Bumble or Tinder? Here’s the problem: Your photos aren’t making the right impression. But there’s a simple fix. Dating coach Connell Barrett reveals the 6 essential photos that he and his clients use to consistently get good matches on the apps. Connell’s client Ben puts it best: “I went from zero good matches on Hinge to getting 83 matches in one week. Suddenly I had too many dates!” Connell also reveals the 5 photo mistakes that make women swipe left—so you don’t sabotage your own success.
3:40: Essential Photo No. 1: The “Radically Authentic” Portrait to Hook Her Interest
9:25: Essential Photo No. 2: The “Intriguing Photo” that Makes Her Want to Learn About You
12:25: Essential Photo No. 3: The “Aww Factor” Image that Melts Her Heart
15:50: Essential Photo No. 4: The “Man of Action” Shot that Turns Her Head
18:55: Essential Photo No. 5: The “Social Man” Pic that Showcases Your Attractive Life
20:48: Essential Photo No. 6: The “Wildcard” Photo that Makes Swiping Right a No-Brainer
24:01: Plus! 5 Photo Mistakes that HURT You on the Apps!
Listen now, update your photos, and start getting dates with women you actually want to meet.
"A real smile lights up your eyes, making you more appealing and approachable." - Connell Barrett
"Reveal your unique qualities to capture genuine interest in online dating." - Connell Barrett
Connell Barrett
Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation
00:00 - Intro
3:40 - Essential Photo No. 1: The “Radically Authentic” Portrait to Hook Her Interest
9:25 - Essential Photo No. 2: The “Intriguing Photo” that Makes Her Want to Learn About You
12:25 - Essential Photo No. 3: The “Aww Factor” Image that Melts Her Heart
15:50 - Essential Photo No. 4: The “Man of Action” Shot that Turns Her Head
18:55 - Essential Photo No. 5: The “Social Man” Pic that Showcases Your Attractive Life
20:48 - Essential Photo No. 6: The “Wildcard” Photo that Makes Swiping Right a No-Brainer
24:01 - Plus! 5 Photo Mistakes that HURT You on the Apps!
29:38 - Outro
Connell Barrett:
It's not you. It's the halibut you're holding. That's your problem on the apps. Welcome back to the how to get a girlfriend podcast. I'm your host dating coach Connell Barrett. I am here to help you flirt with confidence, get dates, and get a great girlfriend all by being authentic. No sketchy, weird, toxic pickup artist moves needed. Not here.
Connell Barrett:
And let me ask you a question. I think I know the answer to this, but I'll ask you anyway. Are dating apps just not working for you? They don't work for most guys, at least not very well. Chances are you swipe and you swipe and you swipe, and you're really struggling to get good matches, good dates. If you're struggling with online dating, if you've got carpal tunnel because you swiped so much with no results, we wanna fix that. And it can lead to a lot of other problems. Right? It can lead to anger, frustration, giving up on the apps, and worst case scenario, you end up moving to a monastery in Myanmar, becoming a monk, swearing off women, and just meditating on a mountain. Hey.
Connell Barrett:
That's not gonna work for most guys. Well, today's episode, I've got some really good tips for you. Today's episode, I wanna give you 6 essential photos that pretty much every guy needs in order to get matches and dates on any dating platform. And most men, if you're struggling on the apps, it's because your photos just aren't good enough. It's not that you're not good enough. It's that your photos aren't making women feel the way we want them to feel. And that's simply about understanding that online dating isn't really dating, not until you meet a woman or at least have a phone date with her. Online dating isn't dating.
Connell Barrett:
It's marketing. You're marketing a product. The product is you. The product is you as a great boyfriend. The product is you as a great guy, A guy with so much to offer, and I know you have so much to offer. So understand if you would that if you're struggling on dating apps, then the good news is it's not you. It's the fish photos you're showing women. It's not you.
Connell Barrett:
It's the halibut you're holding. That's your problem on the apps. I've been a dating coach for 13 years. I've helped thousands of guys get literally tens and tens and tens of thousands of matches on dating apps, and I wanna help you have the same kind of results. So for today's episode, I'm gonna give you 6 essential photos that you need in order. I wanna tell you exactly what 6 photos to use. I'll tell you how to take the photos and what order to put them in, and these are gonna help you so much. I have a client named Ben.
Connell Barrett:
Ben did these 6 photos, and he was literally getting, like, 0 good matches a week. He was getting okay matches, but women, he just wasn't attracted to. And he did these 6 photos, and all of a sudden, he was like, Connell, you're killing me. I'm so upset. He's like, I got 83 matches this week, and I just don't have time to go on all these dates. And so I want you to have what's called a first world problem. I want you to have first world problems like that. So, here we go.
Connell Barrett:
Here are the 6 game changing photos that are gonna really help you change the game for you on Tinder, on Bumble, on Hinge, and stick around to the very end in about 15, 20 minutes at the end of today's episode. I'm gonna give you the 5 photos not to use on dating apps. The photos that are gonna get you swiped left swipe left swipe swipe left on. So stick around to the very end, and I'll talk about those too. Okay. Here we go. Game changing photo number 1. Essential photo number 1 is you want a portrait, what I call a radically authentic portrait.
Connell Barrett:
You want your first photo to be a portrait of you that makes a really good first impression and that socks a woman in and just makes her say, wow. This guy is well dressed, and I would love to learn more about him. Most guys don't have good portraits. Most guys just have a couple selfies on their online dating profile. Or if they do have a portrait, if you do have a portrait, it might be a studio shot, or it looks too much like a LinkedIn photo. And you that first photo, the first essential photo is I call this a radically authentic photo. Here are the core components to it. Number 1 is you should be well dressed.
Connell Barrett:
You should dress well for the first date. Number 2 is you should be looking at the camera. You should be making eye contact with the camera. In other words, with that woman who's looking at you, you should be smiling an authentic, genuine smile, not a fake, say, cheese photo, and don't do a Zoolander, meaning mugging, trying to look sexy. I want you to do a real genuine authentic smile. There's something about the authentic real smile that just makes a woman wanna swipe right. And, oh, by the way, I should have mentioned this at the top. Obviously, this is a podcast, so this is not the perfect medium for me to be talking about photos because you can't see anything here on the podcast.
Connell Barrett:
So in the show notes, I'm going to link to a YouTube video I made where you can see all 6 of these essential photos on my online dating profile. You'll be able to see myself and some clients exactly what these will look like. So feel free to go to the show notes and make sure you check out that YouTube video. Okay. Back to essential photo number 1. Eye contact, well dressed, basically, however you would dress for a first date, dress that way in this photo. Also, I want this photo taken in a natural setting. There should be some kind of context that makes sense to her.
Connell Barrett:
Natural light would be good. Maybe you're sitting on a park bench. Maybe you're sitting in your home, but you're on your couch with real light coming into the window. Don't do a studio photo for the first photo. Make sure it is in a real world setting that allows a woman to get a sense where, oh, this is what this guy looks like. This is his vibe in the real world. Studio photos leave studio photos for your LinkedIn or or for, you know, your little kid's 5th grade class photo. Alright? And here is a really important part about the first essential photo, that authentic real smile.
Connell Barrett:
There's something about an authentic genuine smile that just makes a woman feel the feels. And here's how you can do that when you have this photo taken. Whoever takes your photos, whether you hire a professional photographer, which I certainly recommend if they're good, or if you have just somebody taking photos, somebody who you know who's good with a camera, have them take photos of you while you're laughing, while you're genuinely, legitimately laughing, cracking jokes about something. My photographer, Rhianne, Rhianne does all the photos of my clients in New York City where I live and where she lives. My last photo shoot with Rhianne, I said, okay, Rhianne, make me laugh as you're taking these photos. And she starts cracking jokes, she tells dirty jokes, telling me knock knock jokes. We're laughing. We're having fun.
Connell Barrett:
As I'm smiling and as I'm laughing, she's snapping photos. And it just so happens that the single best photo I've ever had on any dating profile of mine, it's a photo that she took while I'm in the middle of laughing. I can't because the thing is I can't fake a real authentic smile. I'm not good enough as an actor. If I smile, trying to look sexy, or just trying to look cool, I look like I have constipation. It doesn't work. So, make sure that that photo you're a good little tip here is make sure you're laughing and joking with your photographer and have them literally snap snap snap snapping as you're laughing and joking with each other. Odds are the best photo that's gonna do the best for you is going to be a shot that they snap while you're laughing while you're joking.
Connell Barrett:
The reason is because, and I'm no doctor, I'm no expert on physiology, but according to what I've read, when you laugh and smile from a real place inside of you, an authentic place, it activates your eye muscles. Your eyes essentially light up in a sense, your whole face lights up, basically, and that makes women feel what they wanna feel to swipe right on you. If you just go, say cheese, then only your smile, only your mouth smiles, but your eyes don't smile, and you look like the Joker from Batman. And, hey, I look. I love Batman. I love that movie, but we don't want you looking like an evil Batman villain. We want you looking awesomely, authentically attractive. So that's essential photo number 1.
Connell Barrett:
And, again, go to my Instagram or go to that YouTube video to see these photos in action. Because here's the thing, a really good opening portrait is gonna get you probably 25 to 35% of your matches. Alright. So that's essential photo number 1. It's the most important one, which is why I'm spending the most time on it. Essential photo number 2, that secondary portrait secondary photo, I should say. I call this an intriguing photo. What does that mean? The second photo should be another portrait that makes her want to learn more about you.
Connell Barrett:
It's another portrait, but it looks different than that first one, that radically authentic one. So make the second photo another portrait, but you wanna be wearing different clothes, a different backdrop, and just have a different vibe. What makes it intriguing is you're showing her a second side of you, a different side of you. For example, my photo, my opening photo, essential photo number 1, I'm wearing a nice dark blue blazer and a tie, and I'm smiling a big warm smile. In my second photo, I have a leather jacket, and I'm looking away from the camera. I'm not making eye contact. I'm wearing a leather jack jacket, and I just look a little bit edgier. It's also taken outside.
Connell Barrett:
My first photo is indoors with natural light, jacket, tie, looking very successful, very stylish, very very covered by GQ. My second photo, a leather jacket, Henley shirt, was taken outside. I'm looking a little bit off at an angle. It's a different vibe, and that intrigues women because I'm showing complexity. So your second photo should be another portrait. It should just look different than the first. We don't want the first one to be blue , we don't want the second to look the same as the first. Women like variety.
Connell Barrett:
They wanna see a different side of you. So maybe that first photo of you in the jacket and tie, that might attract some women, but maybe women like a guy with some edge, a little bit of a bad boy edge. Maybe you're wearing a leather jacket in the second photo, and you're looking away from the camera instead of looking at the camera. Now you should still be smiling in both, in my opinion, for most guys, an authentic real smile. And but it's that second photo that might essentially attract a woman who might not be into the first photo. So, yeah, a lot of women say a lot. Most women match with me because they love that first photo of me, but every so often I get a woman saying, hey. I like that jacket, or, oh, you look like you look like you look like a badass in that second photo. They're basically saying I like that second vibe.
Connell Barrett:
So, again, recapping, the second photo should be a different outfit, different setting, different clothes, but still a really good portrait. Okay? And here's your 3rd photo. By the way, I'm heading towards something here. Basically, you should be hooking a woman's interest in matching with you by the, I call it the one two punch. The first two photos, good portraits, I call it the 1 two punch because you give her these 2 different looks of you. They're both authentic. They're both genuine, but they're different, and that is going to draw so many women in. I call that the 1 two punch.
Connell Barrett:
And here is how you really seal the deal for so many of your matches. The 3rd photo, the 3rd essential photo, is what I call the ah photo. As in, ah, he has a heart. Basically, it's a photo that tugs at her heartstrings. Women don't just want a well dressed guy smiling at the camera. They basically say, hey. Look at my good portraits. They want a photo that shows a snapshot of you in the real world conveying some relatability and warmth and heart, and that's what the 3rd photo should be.
Connell Barrett:
So the 3rd photo should not be a portrait. It should not be a portrait. It's a photo of you tugging at heartstrings, I call these 'awe' photos. So think you with your puppy dog, you know you your dog is licking your face and you're smiling and going gross, but it's so cute, or it's you dancing with your grandma at a wedding, or you're at the zoo, and an elephant throws it throws its trunk trunk over, and it's all of a sudden the trunk is interacting the elephant's interacting with you at the zoo, or some kind of warm fuzzy family photo. Basically, this should be a candid photo. So the first two photos are portraits, the third photo is a heart tugging, heart melting awe photo that should be candid. We don't want 3 straight portraits. If you have 3 straight portraits, even if they're good, that takes women out of the moment of getting a glimpse into your life and just makes her feel like she's looking at editorial.
Connell Barrett:
We don't want her to feel like, oh, this is his editorial photo shoot. That's the problem that can happen when you take photos. You can have too many portraits, and then it just looks like a celebrity photo shoot. We want those first two portraits to really get her feeling like, oh, I like his style. Oh, he looks edgy in the second one. And the third one, we go, oh my god. It's so cute. He's got a heart.
Connell Barrett:
So my heart tugged at the photo, there's a great picture. It's actually a selfie of myself and my niece at her wedding. Even though selfies typically are not good form to use on profiles, this one happens to be a quality selfie. And it's not the quality of the photo that women like though. It just shows me as a loving uncle with my adorable niece at her wedding. And she's in her wedding dress, and I'm smiling, and it just makes women go, aww. And I also make it clear it's my niece so that they don't think it's me on my wedding day. And, another great heart tugging photo is I have a shot of me with a dog, not my dog because I don't have a dog, but it's a great photo of me and my friend's dog.
Connell Barrett:
And the dog is licking my face. It's a close-up shot, and we're interacting together. So if you have a dog, don't just have a picture of you and your dog looking at the camera, have you and your dog interacting, playing, make it candid, make it feel like the photo was just taken as part of your normal life. Don't make it feel like this was taken for your online dating profile. Okay. So those first three photos are gonna get you so many matches because you're gonna be showing her how well dressed you are, good style, authentic smile, 2 different sides of you in those first two photos. And the 3rd photo is, hey. Look.
Connell Barrett:
He's got a heart. Oh, that's so cute. He's dancing with his grandma at the wedding. Aw. That's what we want. We wanna tug at those heartstrings. You struggle with dating. Right? Sure.
Connell Barrett:
You have a good job and cool friends, but you just aren't sure how to flirt, the apps don't work for you, and sometimes women put you in the friend zone. It's frustrating. Hey. I struggle with dating too. As an introvert and a total nerd, I didn't just live in the friend zone. I owned real estate there, but I escaped using the dating philosophy of radical authenticity, which I've used to help thousands of men in 17 countries find love. It's what I wrote about in my best selling book, Dating Sucks, But You Don't. And radical authenticity is why Psychology Today called me the best dating coach in America.
Connell Barrett:
And now I wanna personally help you attract your dream girlfriend. So go to and book a free call with me. On our call, I'll tell you how my 1 on 1 coaching will help you find your dream girlfriend, and you'll be doing it by flirting with confidence and authenticity. No creepy pickup tricks needed. So go to dating, book a free call today, and let my personalized coaching help you get a great girlfriend. Game changing photo number 4. Essential photo number 4 is an adventure shot. This is the kind of photo that can really turn a woman on in a sense, not sexually so much, but just turn her on because women love men of action.
Connell Barrett:
Women love men out in the world having adventures being a man of action. So a man of action shot or an adventure shot is a great thing to put in your 4th slot on your online dating profile. A photo that shows you out in the world. Women love masculine active men, and this proves that you're a man who's of adventure, who's up for fun. So it could be you doing axe throwing. If you do martial arts, a shot of you at class doing kickboxing, a shot of you at boxing class, if you're taking a boxing class. I once worked with a boxing trainer. I've got some really good photos of me in boxing class.
Connell Barrett:
It could be, playing a sport, shooting hoops. For me, it's playing tennis. I'm not even super rugged or masculine. I'm not the most masculine guy in the world, but I look pretty good. I have good tennis form, so I'm swinging and hitting a really strong, powerful forehand that shows women that I'm active, engaged in my life. So think of this 4th slot, 4th photo is action, adventure. Like, this is where a travel photo could also work really well, but again, don't just have it a photo of you looking at the camera and, like, smiling that, hey. Look.
Connell Barrett:
I'm in London. Have you been doing something in London? Be doing something in your travel photo. In other words, be engaged. Show that man of action side in photo number 4. That turns women on, at least in the sense of, hey. I'm a woman. I wanna be with a man who's leading an active, interesting life, and that's what photo number 4 achieves.
Connell Barrett:
Now quick little tip on this one, avoid action, avoid shots of you at the gym unless you're doing something really unusual to the gym, so I don't wanna see you just bench pressing, that looks lame, and, I don't wanna see you just doing Pilates. Now if you take a yoga class, that's a little bit different, or if you're taking a class where it's like a kickboxing class or a boxing class, that's pretty cool. And one more pro tip about how to take this action photo. One thing you could do is take a video of yourself doing the thing that you're doing, and then literally scroll to the best part of the video where you look the best and it captures that moment. So for example, that tennis photo I told you about, it actually wasn't a photo. I had my tennis instructor take about 10 minutes of me hitting tennis shots from an actual lesson, and then I went to the best frame that showed a close-up of me, forehand crushing the tennis ball. I get a lot of matches on my tennis photo. It's just because it's a good photo.
Connell Barrett:
It also lets women know that I'm a fit, active guy out in the world. Okay. 2 more. Essential photo number 5, the social proof photo. Women are attracted to men who have a good social life, reasonably good. And this is a photo that essentially shows that you are out in the world, being a social man. I call this the social man pic. It projects an attractive, somewhat interesting social life.
Connell Barrett:
You don't need a million Instagram followers. You just need photos that show you out in the world. So here are some really good options. You sing karaoke with friends, or you dance at the wedding with friends, or click martini glasses at the bar at a cool bar, toasting cocktails together at a stylish bar, laughing at dinner with friends. Ideally, these will also be candid photos. And by candid, I mean, it doesn't look like you took it for the profile. It looks like it just happened as part of your life. Even if it didn't.
Connell Barrett:
Even if you post it, that's okay. We just don't want it to look posed. Okay? Candid shots are gonna work best for this. So, yeah, I think a cool cocktail bar, you're dancing at a wedding. I have a really good photo of me, doing karaoke, singing a duet on karaoke night, but I'm well dressed, and it's a good photo. And it just says to women, oh, this guy's out in the world doing something. Okay. That's photo number 5, the social proof photo.
Connell Barrett:
And this is powerful. Social proof is very powerful. That's what Instagram is built on. Instagram is built on, oh my god. Look at this cool amazing life this person's leading. I wanna be there. So think of any photos that would get a lot of likes and hearts on your Instagram. If you're on Instagram, think of that as photo number 5, essential photo number 5.
Connell Barrett:
Don't fast forward. This is not an ad. It's a free thing that's gonna help you flirt with confidence because I'll bet that you struggle with what to say to women and how to flirt. Right? Well, let's fix that. I'm gonna give you what I call the flirty thirty. These are 30 flirty questions to ask women on the apps or on dates or when you approach so that you can confidently connect with cool sexy women starting today. It's time to stop running out of things to say and start asking them flirty questions that are gonna make them want to date you. So to get your copy of the Flirty 30, it's totally free.
Connell Barrett:
Just go to dating, and that's flirty30. You're about to start confidently flirting with women, going on dates, and soon getting a great girlfriend. Go get your flirty 30. And essential photo number 6, I call this the wild card photo. Number 6, this could be almost anything. It should as long as it's unexpected. For this one, we want to break the pattern.
Connell Barrett:
We wanna show women something they have not seen in any of the other 5 photos. This is the cherry on top of your online dating profile. Something unexpected that's gonna make her go, oh, wow. I love this guy. This guy is different. This will seal the deal if she's definitely leaning towards swiping on you. And if she's on the fence, it'll push her over to the swipe right side of the fence. So here's some examples of wild card photos.
Connell Barrett:
One of my best ones is a Halloween costume, a Halloween outfit I wore a couple years ago. I was a hot cop. I was a hot cop, basically, like a stripper cop, basically. Sergeant dick utopia was my Halloween costume, and that gets me a lot of likes and hearts online. A really cool travel photo that's visually arresting and different. I have a client who took some photos in the Redwood Forest of, somewhere up in Washington or Oregon. Forget where it was. But he's in this really compelling forest that's a travel photo, but what makes it work is not that he's traveling, it's that it's visually so different.
Connell Barrett:
I have another that is hard to tell on an audio platform, but one of my clients, John, took a great photo of him. He's just standing out in the street in New York City, and he's standing there as if he's on the phone. But instead of holding his phone, he's holding a banana up to his ear. But he's got a very serious look on his face, like an important businessman on a call, but he's talking into a banana. So dumb. I know. Another client, the photo that worked for him for his wild card game changing photo was, his nickname is the Gooch, g o o c h, and he has a photo of him with and his wearing a leather jacket, and on the back of his leather jacket is his nickname, like, bright gold letters, the gooch. And the photo is just a shot of him from the back.
Connell Barrett:
It doesn't even show his face, but his thumbs are pointing to the back of his photo, the gooch. It's just so different. It just makes women go, well, that's different. So think of anything that's just different. It's about making her laugh or smile. So think different and breaking patterns, but in an unexpected way. So, again, I know this one's a hard thing to convey in a podcast. Please check out the YouTube video in the show notes, or go to my Instagram and you'll see some examples of me doing what I call these. The 6th essential photo is the cherry topper, the pattern interrupter, the photo that just basically it's something that's gonna make her smile.
Connell Barrett:
It's a wild card. Think of it as something that she has never seen on an online dating profile, but that's in an attractive way or in a way that will make her smile. Okay? Okay. Those are the 6 essential photos in this crash course about the photos to use. Now here are 5 photos I will never ever ever use. Okay? Number 1, not holding a fish photo. No photos of you holding a fish. Women don't wanna date the captain from the jaws.
Connell Barrett:
They wanna date the coolest, most charming version of you. If you're a guy who's into fish, great. Good for you. I have no problem with fishing. It's just that those are very common, and they just come off as trying hard and cliched. No photos of you being drunk or seemingly drunk. Okay? So beware of alcohol photos. It's okay to be holding a drink at a cool, high status, fun venue, but no photos of you clearly drunk.
Connell Barrett:
That comes off as low status, unattractive. Avoid photos of you wearing sunglasses or or covering your face. Women need to see your eyes. Women need to see that sense of connection. Okay? The 4th photo to never use is a shirtless photo. No bathroom selfies. Never ever ever ever ever have a bathroom shirtless selfie. If you have guns, if you look good shirtless, great.
Connell Barrett:
Do it. My client, Ben, the one who got those 83 matches, the photo that really worked for him was a shot of him on the beach. He's a surfer, so we took a great portrait of him at the beach. That falls into those two essential portraits I talked about. And so he looked great shirtless. So I'm like, cool, man. Let's get you on the beach. Looking shirtless, but in a context where somebody would be shirtless.
Connell Barrett:
So no shirtless photos unless you're in a context where you should be shirtless, like the beach or in a Jacuzzi or, I don't know. I have a client who took a really cool hiking photo, and he was shirtless because it was a hot day and it kinda made sense for him to be shirtless. Plus, he has the body and the guns. So that's the 4th kind of photo to never ever ever use. And I would say another photo that you never wanna use is a photo where you're poorly dressed, where you're looking sort of negative. The bottom line is women are drawn to positivity, to warmth, to good mojo, and good vibes. So avoid photos where you look too intense, too serious, too angry. You might think you look sexy, but chances are you just look kind of angry, and that's okay.
Connell Barrett:
There is an art to getting your emotions in a place where you convey those good vibes, those good emotions to women. And of course, here's a bonus photo never to use, never if you're into hunting, never use a photo of you hunting, like, showing the animal that you bagged. I won't get into my feelings about hunting. No judgment here. But a lot of women are turned off by it, so we don't wanna show those kinds of photos. Okay. Thank you so much for listening. Those are the 6 essential photos.
Connell Barrett:
Put these on your profile. Well, I should say, first, get these taken, then put them on your profile. And the right photos are basically 75 to 80% responsible for online dating success. So put these to use, and until the next episode, don't forget, your future girlfriend, she is out there, and she is gonna love you. She just has to meet the real authentic you. Until next time.
Welcome to the Dating Transformation podcast. I'm coach Connell Barrett, and I help men build confidence + connect with women by being their own authentic selves.
NYC Dating Coach Connell Barrett
106 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001