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How to Approach Women, Gain Confidence, and Attract Your Dream Girlfriend

Order my dating guide for men and get $1,037 in FREE bonuses, including 3 months of live group coaching!

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Dating Sucks but You Don't

How to Approach Women, Gain Confidence, and Attract Your Dream Girlfriend

Order my dating guide for men and get $1,037 in FREE bonuses, including 3 months of live group coaching!

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Connell has been featured in:

as seen -n cosmopolitan o magazine maximas seen on the today show in askmen and playboy

Imagine You Can...

Instantly Know How to Approach Women

Feel More Confident and Attractive

Find A Bright, Beautiful Girlfriend

Approach and Attract Beautiful Women

Flirt with Confidence and Charm

Get Quality Matches on the Apps

But some big problems stand in your way, such as…


You want to learn how to approach women, but anxiety holds you back


You don’t know how to flirt and spark chemistry when talking to or texting girls


You don’t get many (or any!) quality matches and dates on Tinder and the apps


Desirable women don’t see you as that “hot guy” they want to date


You feel you’re not tall, rich, handsome, or “cool” enough to attract quality women

These roadblocks can make good, solid guys settle for less… or even give up on dating and just be alone.

That’s a shame because you’ll miss out on love, connection, confidence, cozy movie nights, romantic getaways, great sex, and sharing your life with a wonderful woman.

Learn How Connell Will Transform Your Dating Confidence & Help You Attract Your Dream Girlfriend:

Hey, I’ve been there. I had EVERY dating problem a guy can have. I didn’t just live in the friend zone. I owned real estate there!

I struggled with...

Feeling too anxious and not knowing how to approach women

Getting in my head/not knowing what to say

Feeling insecure about my looks

Being ghosted a lot

Always hearing, “Let’s just be friends”

Feeling like half a man

And you know what? I fixed ALL of these problems and became GREAT with women.

How? I spent years traveling the world, working with top love coaches and learning the art of male-female connection.

I approached thousands of women, had hundreds of dates, and tested dozens of online-dating profiles.

It took time, but I finally had a BIG breakthrough—an epiphany! I developed a proven process that’s worked for me and for hundreds of my clients. It’s a simple system that transforms a man’s confidence and his dating results.

The secret to confidence and dating success?? 
Be Radically Authentic. 
Show women your best, true self.

You see, most single men doubt their attractiveness, so they put on an act—they pretend to be “cool” or “alpha” or “Mr. Nice Guy.” But those masks make things worse!

Or maybe they don’t even try to date, because, “Why bother? Women aren’t into me.”

Yet when you’re Radically Authentic, you unlock your most awesome, charismatic self—the man you are at your core. You become more motivated, more attractive, and more confident. 

And women LOVE confident men.

When you follow my framework and embrace Radical Authenticity, everything changes. You can…
Confidently Approach & Attract Women
Flirt and Always Know What to Say
Get Quality Matches on the Apps
Have Sexy Dates with Cool, Cute girls
Escape the Friend Zone
Land A Bright, Beautiful Girlfriend
My new book, “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” has ALL my best dating secrets. It’s your step-by-step guide to gain confidence, learn to flirt, and get a great girlfriend.
My step-by-step framework will teach you...
How to approach women with total confidence—even if you’re introverted
Exactly what to say or text to spark chemistry
Secrets to getting high-quality matches and dates on Tinder, Bumble or any app
To become magnetic to beautiful women, even if you’re not tall, rich or good-looking
How to escape the “friend zone” on first dates
To destroy fear and doubt and land a great girlfriend

Meet your Dating Coach:

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Meet dating coach Connell Barrett, and learn why his new book, “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” will help you attract wonderful women as your most confident, authentic self.
Order my dating book for men and get $1,037 worth of bonuses - including 3 months of free coaching - TODAY:
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Special Bonuses:

Order Dating Sucks but You Don’t Today and Get these 5 Bonuses—a $1,037 value—for FREE!

Read the First Chapter! Instant Download

Order now and get the first chapter TODAY, in addition to your purchased book. ($23 value)

Three Months of Live Group Coaching

Receive 3 months of live, personalized coaching Q&As with me— author Connell Barrett — to help you transform your dating results. ($961 value)

“Total Tinder Toolkit”

Get my essential online-dating cheat-sheet, “What To Say On Tinder—37 Tips for More Matches & Dates.” ($42 value)

“How to Flirt with Women Anywhere”

This PDF gives you field-tested openers, tools, and “hacks” to help you learn how to approach women in bars, parks, bookstores or the gym. ($15 value)

“Dating Sucks but You Don’t” Mini-Book

Short on time? My downloadable mini-book contains my most powerful dating concepts, and it’s just a 20-minute read! ($19 value)

Total Value of Bonuses: $1,037

Your Price: FREE when you order “Dating Sucks but You Don’t”
How to Get Your Free Coaching + Added Bonuses
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Odds are, you’re not dating the kinds of women you REALLY want. Why? You’re low on confidence, and you don’t have a proven, step-by-step plan.

My new book “Dating Sucks but You Don’t”—combined with my limited-time offer of 3 months of FREE coaching—with help you end frustration, build confidence, and land a great girlfriend.

Dating sucks, but it doesn’t have to. I’ll give you a practical plan to attract a bright, beautiful woman to share your life with.

And you’ll do it with integrity and authenticity … and zero creepy “pickup” tricks.
Order my new book, “Dating Sucks but You Don’t.” Then come back to this page, enter your receipt number, and I’ll email you your bonuses—which include 3 months of personalized, live coaching with me, for FREE. 
ORDER THE BOOK!Already Ordered? Click Here to Get Your Bonuses!

I know what you may be thinking…

“This won’t work for me. I’m too short.” Or…
“I’m not good-looking enough. Women only want hot guys.” Or…
“Apps don’t work. They’re scams!”
Well…Here are three of the HUNDREDS of guys who’ve transformed their confidence and love lives using my strategies:
  • dating transformation quotes

    I was getting no matches on Tinder and Bumble. Connell changed my photos and bio, and the next day, boom! I had 17 new matches with lots of cool, sexy women. Online-dating is now fun.”

    —Kevin, 49, Chicago

  • dating transformation quotes

    Dating coach Connell Barrett helped me go from a 5-year slump without a girlfriend to getting lots of dates. I’m now engaged to an incredible woman, and I did it as the real me, not some weird pickup guy.”

    —Victor, 37, New York City

  • dating transformation quotes

    I wanted to approach women at my gym, but I’m introverted, and I never want to seem creepy. Connell’s strategies showed me how to chat and flirt with charm, and I was soon dating the cutest girl in my yoga class. I feel so confident and attractive. Connell’s the man!”

    —Dave, 28, Philadelphia

Don’t put off fixing your love life. This is important.

You can leave this page, do nothing, and keep settling for rejection, loneliness and low confidence. Or…

You can do something NEW and empowering: Become “radically authentic,” attract beautiful women as the REAL you, and get a wonderful girlfriend.

Order “Dating Sucks but You Don’t” to become the man you want to be—and cash in $1,037 worth of FREE bonuses, including three months of live coaching with ME.

Already Ordered? Click Here to Get Your Bonuses!


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NYC Dating Coach Connell Barrett

106 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001

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