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with Dating Coach Connell Barrett

1-on-1 Coaching  •  Learn to Flirt  •  Get More Dates  •  Be 100% Authentic

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with Dating Coach Connell Barrett

1-on-1 Coaching • Learn to Flirt 
Get More Dates • Be 100% Authentic

Book A Free Call
As seen in/on Good Morning America and CosmopolitanAs seen in Men's Health The Today Show and Psychology Today

Many successful, established men struggle with dating, especially if they’re introverted. They just don’t know how to confidently meet and flirt with quality women.

It’s the one area of life that isn’t working.

I coach professional gentlemen who struggle with dating, and I help them gain confidence, flirt with charm, and attract their dream girlfriends in 90 days or less—all by being Radically Authentic. (No creepy pickup tricks needed!)

Here’s what men come to me to solve.

Do you struggle with ANY of these problems?

You doubt yourself and lack confidence with women

You get ghosted or friend-zoned

You either don’t go on dates or your dates fall flat

Your friends are in relationships but you don’t have anyone, and you feel lonely sometimes

You aren’t sure what to say or how to flirt

You fear you’re just not enough for attractive women

You want to approach cute girls but you never do

You rarely get quality matches in online dating or on dating apps

And you worry that you’ll either end up alone or have to settle.

It’s far more than just dating advice.

My personalized, 1-1 coaching has already helped THOUSANDS OF GUYS achieve the following:

Know what to say for fun, flirty conversations

Confidently approach women and get numbers

Get LOTS of quality matches and dates on apps

Cut way down on ghosting and flaking

Escape the “friend zone” & spark chemistry on dates

Become magnetic to desirable women

Get bright, beautiful girls chasing YOU

Do ALL of this with charm and authenticity

The moment my clients love most? It’s that magical morning when they wake up snuggled next to their DREAM GIRLFRIEND and think, “Wow! I’m so happy she’s in my life!”

5 Flirting Secrets Women Want You to Know

Watch me on ‘GMA’

How Does My 1-1 Dating Coaching Work?

There Are 3 Simple Steps:

Dating Coach NYC

Book a free call and together we’ll discover WHAT’S HOLDING YOU BACK

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We’ll create a PERSONALIZED PLAN to meet and connect with wonderful women

online dating coach

Together I’ll help you find your DREAM GIRLFRIEND to share your life with

That's right—I help you attract and TRULY connect with women you thought were out of your league.


Dating Coach Connell Barrett

In my 10 years as a dating coach, I’ve helped thousands of classy men in 21 countries.

And here's a fun fact: Over 90% of my clients end up with their DREAM DATING LIFE... in 90 DAYS OR LESS

dating sucks but you don't #1 Amazon bestseller


When you book a call, I’ll send you a free copy of my No. 1 Amazon bestselling book, Dating Sucks but You Don’t, which is full of tips and strategies to a fulfilling dating life.


SO WHAT’S YOUR SECRET WEAPON to attracting your dream girl?

You don’t need good looks or cheesy pickup lines. 

What you really need is MAN-to-WOMAN COMMUNICATION, a charming form of flirting with wonderful women. 

Man-to-Woman Communication is the MOST AUTHENTIC, EFFECTIVE WAY to connect with women, whether you’re approaching, texting on an app, or out on a date. 

And if you’re struggling with dating, I assure you that you’re NOT flirting correctly.

Let me elaborate...

The Secret to Flirting & Connecting


You see, there are only three possible communication “channels” when speaking to another person (outside of relatives). They’re like three channels on a TV:

Channel 1: Business/Professional
The logical, analytical way you communicate with others at work

Channel 2: Friend-to-Friend
The purely platonic vibe you have with friends and acquaintances 

Channel 3: Man-to-Woman
Fun, playful and flirty—where you WANT to be in dating! It’s when your masculine side and her feminine side connect and ignite.

The BIG dating mistake you’re making?

You inadvertently talk to women either in the dry, logical way you communicate at work (Channel 1) or you talk to her the way you do with buddies and friends (Channel 2).

The result? No sparks. The dreaded “friend zone.” Women who text you, “Sorry, but I didn’t feel a connection.”

Don’t get me wrong: Your analytical, logical mind is a GREAT tool in your career and when talking with friends. But here’s the thing…

Single women don’t want logic and facts. They want fun, flirtatious energy from an authentic, confident man.

They want Man-to-Woman Communication.
And I’ll help you give women exactly what they want.


If we work together, I’ll help you achieve 3 powerful things:

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You’ll learn Man-to-Woman Communication, to make sparks fly with YOUR types of girls

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You’ll feel magnetic to women, as your most authentic self

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And choose her from a LOT of great options

“I Met My Girlfriend Thanks to Connell”

How Rob Confidently Approached Adriana

83 Hinge Matches!

 “I’m only 5-foot-7 but I got 83 matches this week, with 3 dates lined up. Amazing!"
—Ben, 37, engineer

Here's what more of my clients are saying...

  • dating coach review Kevin

    Kevin, 47

    Small Business Owner,

    dating transformation quotes
    I’d swiped and swiped and got nowhere. It was discouraging. It can feel personal. Connell showed me a step-by-step way to make my profile magnetic. It was amazing. That first day, I had 22 women write me, and I had three dates lined up. Wow! Online dating is finally fun.”
  • dating coach client reviews

    Brad, 32

    Manhattan, NY

    dating transformation quotes

    I had taken a program with a popular company, and my dating life had gotten worse. When I reached out to Connell, I hadn’t had luck in months. His coaching is very personalized. He gives guys a system designed just for them. I went out with Connell and damn - what a night! I hadn’t connected with a great girl in months, and my first night out with Connell, it all clicked. Within a week, I was dating three girls. Slump over! And I now have a cool, cute, awesome girlfriend.

  • NYC dating coach client reviews

    Allen, 27

    Ann Arbor, MI

    dating transformation quotes
    At the bars, I would see incredible women I wanted to meet, but I couldn’t talk to them. I felt powerless. Stuck. Connell gave me a simple, step-by-step system. I now feel more present, real and vulnerable—not just with approaching girls but at work and with my friends. I’m much more open and at ease, and people tell me I’m more likable. Connell made a big difference in my life. I feel like more of a man.

A Heads Up!

I like and respect women. I teach gentlemen the art of AUTHENTIC CONNECTION, not sketchy “pickup” tricks.

This is NOT for you if...

You see women as objects to be manipulated for sex
You’re looking for gimmicky tactics and quick fixes
You’re unemployed or generally struggling in life

This is ABSOLUTELY for you if...

You have a solid career, good friends, a social life
You’re introverted (so am I!) and you struggle with talking to women
You have little or no dating experience (we’ll change that!)
You want to become the kind of man that quality women adore


My coaching is highly personalized to each gentleman I work with, and I only coach men who want to TRANSFORM their love life by taking MASSIVE ACTION.

If you want strategies to do this on your own, no worries! Buy my book or check out my podcast.

If you want to take action for a TRUE DATING TRANSFORMATION, then let’s talk.

You may have some questions...

Q: I’m not rich, tall or good-looking. Can you REALLY help me?

A: YES! Most of my clients are just regular guys, NOT tall, handsome millionaires. You CAN and WILL get great romantic results, once you learn to flirt with Authenticity.

Q: I’m shy and introverted. Can I successfully approach women?

A: YES. Introverts like you and me are actually GREAT at connecting with women. You just need confidence, solid technique, and a little push. I’ve got your back!

Q: I’m a virgin and I’ve never even had a girlfriend. Am I hopeless?

A: HELL NO! I’ve helped many inexperienced guys get their first date, first kiss, first intimate experience, and first girlfriend.

Q: What do you charge? Can I afford you?

A: I’m not cheap because I do HIGHLY PERSONALIZED coaching that brings priceless results. This is an investment to find the bright, beautiful woman you’ll share your life with.

That said, I offer multiple price packages so that MOST ANY MAN with a steady income—and a commitment to success—can work with me.

One Last, Important Thing...

You probably never tell yourself this, so allow me.

You. Are. Enough.

You’re enough to attract wonderful women and get a great girlfriend, STARTING TODAY.

The stakes are high. This is your love life. This is about becoming the MAN YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE and sharing your life with the WONDERUL WOMAN YOU DESERVE.

Your dream girl is out there, and she’s GONNA LOVE YOU!

She just had to meet the real, AUTHENTIC you.

~ Connell Barrett

NYC Dating Coach, Connell Barrett

Connell Barrett is an NYC dating coach who's helped thousands of men all over the world find their soulmates while dating with integrity and authenticity. Connell's been featured on the Today Show and in publications including Cosmopolitan, Playboy, and Oprah Magazine. Whether you're dating in New York or overseas, using dating sites, or wanting to meet gorgeous women in person, Connell can help. Here's what some of his clients have said. Experience your dating transformation with one of the best dating coaches in the U.S. Chat with Connell in a free consultation.

NYC Dating Coach Connell Barrett

106 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001

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