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New York Dating Coach Q&A

What a dating expert can do for a man’s confidence and results

Hey, happy New Year! Connell here with Dating Transformation, helping you attract amazing women as your most authentic, confident self.

As a New York dating coach with five years of experience helping men all over the U.S., I’ve seen a lot of patterns. I get a lot of the same questions over and over again.

I’m not only referring to questions like, “Hey, how can I get a great girlfriend?” and “How do I get out of the friend zone?” I’m talking about men who want to know if a dating expert can REALLY help them become more confident and attractive.

So, I wanted to answer the 5 most common questions I get as a New York Dating Coach, with my answers. Here they are!


Q&A With A Top New York Dating Coach:

1: How do I know you REALLY get results as a dating coach?
It’s simple: I cheat! I stack the deck so that my clients’ success is a DONE DEAL.
That’s how my client Oscar is currently dating a Playboy cover model—and he’s just a regular guy, NOT some multi-millionaire or star athlete.

In a second, I’ll explain what I mean by saying that I cheat. But first, let me talk about what’s MOST important to me: integrity.
Integrity means that, unlike most dating gurus, I use my real name (Google me!). I’m not a pickup-artist who uses tricks and tactics. (I’ve never looked good draped in medallions.) I teach cutting-edge self-development for men, and I’m proud of it.

Integrity means that I’m looking out for YOU. I would never let you do anything that’s not in your best interest. I’m not just your dating coach. I’m your protector. You’re in my care. I’ve got your back.

Integrity means that I like and respect women. They’re not objects or trophies. A woman is a person of divine perfection—just like you are. And she should be treated that way, just like you should be.

And integrity ALSO means that I only do what gets amazing results for my clients.

You see, I’ve tested every technique and advanced-ninja move that I teach to make sure it ALL works. And I haven’t just used myself as a test subject. These are same the tips and systems that my clients use to date amazing women and create genuine connections as a total gentleman… with AMAZINGLY reliable results.

I recently went online to check out my client reviews as a dating coach, and 97% of them were 5-stars. I’m so proud of that.

I also have about a dozen reviews on this website.

So, when I say that I “cheat” to get great results, what I mean is that unlike other coaches and (ugh) “pickup artists,” I only work with guys whose results are a DONE DEAL.

If I can’t help you and give you massive dating help, then I won’t enroll you. Because to work with someone I can’t help, well, that’s NOT integrity.

And yes, my clients get better results than anyone else out there. But my guys don’t JUST get great girlfriends. They become better, more confident, more authentic versions of their TRUE SELF.

When you work with me, you become the man you were meant to be.
And that’s so important, because you don’t just want to love a woman. You want to love the man that you are.

New York Dating Coach Q&A

2: How do I know you’re the dating coach for me?
Fair point. I might not be the dating coach for you!
My dating philosophy in three words: Be radically authentic.

The typical “dating expert” will teach you to be something you’re not: a “bad boy,” or a macho jerk. Not only is that creepy and sad… it just doesn’t work. (I know first-hand. I spent years trying every technique!) Other dating coaches make you remember so many tricks, tactics and lines that you feel like a robot, not your real self.

What really works? How do you get the girl? Keep it simple and be authentic. When you’re radically authentic, you’re at your most comfortable, confident and attractive.

My DatingTransformation training is only for men who are ALL 3 of the following things. So let me ask you…
Do you like and respect women? In other words, are you a gentleman?

Is being authentic important to you? Would you like to get your dream girl by being YOU, and not as some sketchy “pickup artist” type?
Do you value hard work and taking action, rather than gimmicky “quick fixes”?

If you said yes to all the above, then we should talk.

But if you see women as “bitches,” or if you want to use some pickup artist’s 17 “weird tricks” to “seduce” women, or if you think that learning a couple lines and watching one video will fix your dating problems, then I’m not the right coach for you.

Can I still get the girl of my dreams - New York Dating Coach

3: I’m not great-looking, tall or super rich. Can I still attract amazing women?
Hell yes! Your looks, your height, how much money you have—these things don’t matter. The secret to dating amazing women comes down to eight simple words:
Be your most authentic self—and take action.

All you need is a simple system to show you HOW to take action in a way that brings beautiful women into your life, and boom—hello, dream dating life!

4: OK, but will it work for ME? I’ve dated a bit, but I lack confidence with truly beautiful women.
Well, I don’t know you (yet), but as a dating coach, my specialty is taking a guy who THINKS he can’t become amazing with women, and I show him just how attractive he is—and how much women like him, once they meet the REAL him.
Getting dating success for guys who DOUBT they “have what it takes”… well, that’s a day at the office for me.
You see, I believe in transformation, not information.

Odds are, I’m not the only guru you’ve checked out. From emails to Google to YouTube, there are literally hundreds of thousands of techniques and tips at your fingertips.
And that’s the problem. You’re drowning in information, and you’re dying for wisdom.

Wisdom brings transformation: phone numbers, dates, the great girlfriend, towering confidence and knowing that you’re enough for high-quality women who will like you for you.

Every other dating coach offers information. I offer transformation. I believe in FULL solutions and AMAZING results.
That means I give you all the puzzle pieces, and I’m with you every step of the way as you achieve your amazing dating life. Most dating gurus offer one or two pieces, and leave you to figure out the rest. Not me. I give you a complete, step-by-step recipe to get your dream girlfriend, as your most authentic self.

Consider my client, Ken, a sweet, short, kinda chubby college instructor who was low in confidence. When he came to me, he’d never even kissed a girl! He was introverted and lacked confidence. After just a couple sessions, he’d gotten his first kiss ever, and from a gorgeous Gwyneth Paltrow lookalike who was the prettiest girl in the bar.
And in just a matter of weeks, he had his first girlfriend EVER.

All that Ken did was put his real, authentic personality out there, and girls LOVED him… because they met the REAL him.

dating tips New York dating coach

5: What happens on the free strategy call?
It’s simple. We talk for about an hour, and I tell you EXACTLY what’s causing the problems in your dating life, and EXACTLY how to fix them. The outcome? You’ll be able to finally date the kinds of cool, beautiful women you want, and then choose your next girlfriend from LOTS of great choices, rather than settling for less.

I DON’T do a high-pressure call. It’s very relaxed, even fun, but also powerful. We do go DEEP, as I uncover what’s holding you back and tell you how to fix it.

I’ve been studying success with women for a decade, working with the world’s best attraction and self-development coaches. I trained with the Tony Robbins crew, which means I know the science of achievement. And I’ve been coaching guys professionally for five years. It’s VERY likely that I know EXACTLY how to fix your biggest dating problems and land you a great girlfriend.

OK, those are the 5 questions I hear all the time. Just click the “book a call” button if you’d like to hop on the phone with me and talk about transforming your dating life. Talk soon!

Connell Barrett is a NYC dating coach, helping men across the U.S. date the women of their dreams. He has been acclaimed as a top New York dating coach for men and has appeared on Access Hollywood, The Today Show, and in publications such as Maxim, Cosmopolitan and more. You can chat with Connell here.

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Connell Barrett Dating coach for men

I'm dating coach Connell Barrett. I help men build confidence and connect with women by being authentic!

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NYC Dating Coach Connell Barrett

106 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001

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