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Dating Books For Men: 6 Books To Give You Unstoppable Confidence & Romantic Connections

When it comes to dating books for men, it's important to be selective. Dating is much more than cheesy pickup lines or picking the perfect date spot. It's about confidence in yourself and connection with the other person. It's also about improving yourself. The more you better yourself, the more attractive and desirable you'll be to women.

Believe it or not, guys who do well on the dating scene aren't necessarily the most attractive or the wealthiest. They're the ones who believe in themselves and show their true, best selves to women.

There are specific attributes and behaviors women look for in a man. These can be unlocked in an authentic way, without the need to pretend to be someone you're not.

Some dating books are shallow toolkits. But these dating books are transformative.

Here are 6 books to help you on your way to unstoppable confidence and enviable romantic connections.

Dating Books For Men That Spark Romance And Bring Confidence

The following 6 books are perfect for the modern man in the 2020's. These books offer ways to improve your approach, change your mindset, and when applied, help you connect with amazing women.

1. Dating Sucks But You Don’t: The Modern Guy's Guide To Finding Total Confidence, Romantic Connection, And The Perfect Partner

by Connell Barrett

dating books for men - dating sucks but you don't: the modern guy's guide to finding total confidence, romantic connection and the perfect partner

The All-In-One Dating Book.

Dating Sucks But You Don’t by yours truly—me!—is a brand-new take on the modern dating scene. It's the perfect read-and-apply book for men to learn how to build confidence and find those meaningful romantic connections with amazing women (even the ones who seem impossible to approach.) It goes beyond trying to find initial connections, diving into finding the perfect partner. I'm a dating coach who's helped men all over the world find the women of their dreams. So I've tried to bring this knowledge in a very applicable way to this book to help men everywhere achieve results. Look for this upcoming book from Tiller Press, an imprint of Simon and Schuster

2. The Way of the Superior Man

by David Deida

The Way of the Superior Man Book

Self-Improvement To Master Dating. 

The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida explores the most important issues in men’s lives.  Deida gives straightforward advice and empowerment skills to help men achieve a life of fulfillment. Bring balance to your life by mastering the challenges of women, work and sexual desire.

3. The Art of Seduction

by Robert Greene

The Art of Seduction book

There are different types of seduction. This book focuses on 9 different types of seducers and 24 corresponding seduction techniques, but we're not really talking about dating. It's about how to be a more "seductive" and compelling presence in any context.

4. The Dating Playbook For Men

by Andrew Ferebee

the dating playbook for men - dating books

Playbooks aren’t just for sports. The Dating Playbook For Men by Andrew Ferebee offers readers a 7-step system that has been proven to help men leave the single scene behind and journey to find the woman of their dreams.

5. King, Warrior, Magician, Lover

by Douglas Gillette

King Warrior Magician Lover Book

This book is about masculinity at it's finest. King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Douglas Gillette and Robert Moore redefines the concepts of masculinity. This book demonstrates that nature masculinity is gentle and empowers others, it is not harsh or abusive.  This book truly separates the men from the boys.

6. What Is A Man?

by Waller Newell

What Is A Man Book

Discover the best part of manliness. What is A Man? By Waller Newell offers a different perspective on the subject of manliness, and addresses the issues of men today.  This title helps men and boys to return to the ideals of honor and integrity in their relationships.

I encourage you to read all six of these books if you want both a beautiful woman to share your life with and more confidence and charisma. These books help you examine perceptions of what it means to be a man and show your masculinity in a way that attracts women in a genuine win-win way. Some are about building confidence, and some have strategies on how to get a girl. All of these together when applied are life-changing.

If you’re on the fence and unsure if you need dating advice or not, try for a second to imagine that there's more to dating than the myths you've been told. Every single man can learn something new about their approach and views of dating.  Read these dating books for men and unlock the barrier to fulfilling romantic relationships.

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Connell Barrett is a dating coach in New York City.  He helps men transform their love lives while giving them a toolbox full of techniques to help them date the woman of their dreams. Connell has helped thousands of men all over the world learn how to get out of the friend zone. He's appeared on shows like Access Hollywood, Good Morning LA and The Today Show, as well as in publications such as O Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, and more. He's a dating coach with The League.

Connell Barrett Dating coach for men

I'm dating coach Connell Barrett. I help men build confidence and connect with women by being authentic!

dating sucks but you don't #1 Amazon bestseller

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NYC Dating Coach Connell Barrett

106 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001

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