Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on writing opening messages, how to meet women at coffee shops, and secrets to better first dates. OPENING MESSAGES On dating apps I struggle to get women to reply to my opening messages. I usually go with, “How are you?” or “Great to connect.” Are those bad openers? Is it me? Help! —Ian, 27, London Ian, when…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on what to do on a second date, the right way to approach, and 7 secrets to asking a girl out WHAT TO DO ON A SECOND DATE I want a girlfriend, and I’m looking for tips on what to do on a second date. My first dates are good, but on the second date or the…
Dating coach Connell Barrett dishes out first-date advice. He answers your questions on how to have great first dates, 3 smooth moves to get the first kiss, and the way to “keep things casual.” FIRST-DATE ADVICE I need some first-date advice. What are the most important things to keep in mind? Because when I walk into a first date, I have no idea…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on Tinder tips for writing a great bio, shaking off rejection, and how to never be “creepy” when you approach TINDER TIPS Connell, I need some Tinder tips. There are so many beautiful women on Tinder, but I barely get any matches. Any advice? —Louie, 27, Virginia Beach When it comes to Tinder tips, there’s…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on creating attraction instead of being friend zoned, getting more Tinder matches, and why looks don’t matter to women. FRIEND ZONED Connell, I keep getting friend zoned. It’s frustrating because women seem to be into me before we meet, but I don’t get second dates. How do I keep from getting friend zoned? —Craig, 37, Miami…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on how introverted men can succeed with women, a smooth way to ask a girl out, and the secret to approaching with total confidence. Here are dating tips for shy guys. Dating Tips for Shy Guys Connell, I’m a pretty introverted, and that’s always held me back with women. I don’t like going to bars, clubs, etc.…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on spicing up first dates, the secret to quality matches on Tinder, and how “ugly” guys can attract beautiful women. We'll start with 5 flirty first-date questions that'll take you from connecting to romancing. Flirty First Date Questions I have a lot of nerves and anxiety before a date because I’m not sure what to talk about.…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on finding love during the pandemic, getting girls to reply to your texts, and how to make your approaches (almost) rejection-proof. Read about social distance date ideas and more in the article below. Social Distance Date Ideas Do you have any tips on social distance date ideas? And when I like a woman, when is it OK…
Connell Barrett answers your questions on igniting romantic chemistry, gaining confidence, and dating-app openers that women love. Learn how to get out of the friend zone. HOW TO GET OUT OF THE FRIEND ZONE Most of my first dates end with me basically hearing, “You seem nice, but I just didn’t feel the chemistry.” Any tips on how to get out of the friend…
When it comes to dating books for men, it's important to be selective. Dating is much more than cheesy pickup lines or picking the perfect date spot. It's about confidence in yourself and connection with the other person. It's also about improving yourself. The more you better yourself, the more attractive and desirable you'll be to women. Believe it or not, guys who do…