Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on how to get women to chase you, escaping the friend zone, and what to text when a girl goes quiet. How to Get Women to Chase You It seems like I’m always the one who’s asking women out, making moves, and chasing after the girls I want to date. I really want to know how do…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on dating women with kids, getting a woman “in the mood” at your place, and when to go for the digits on Tinder. DATING WOMEN WITH KIDS Where do you stand on dating women with kids? Should I mention in my online-dating profile that I’m cool with it? —Nicholas, 37, Orlando So, you want a…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on how to flirt with women, going in for the first kiss, and how to approach in the daytime. How To Flirt With Women I want to learn how to flirt with women better. Maybe I’m just not witty or funny enough. I know I’m doing something wrong, but I’m not sure what. Where should I start?…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on first date tips for men, how to dial up romantic connection, and when you should NOT go on a second date. FIRST DATE TIPS FOR MEN My first dates all seem to go nowhere. We just have boring conversation, and she’s checking her phone before she’s done with the first drink. How can I make my…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on dating advice for men, how to improve your profile bio, and a move for instant confidence on first dates. DATING ADVICE FOR MEN What’s the best opening line when you approach a woman during the day? I see cute girls all the time at Starbucks and at the grocery store, but I never know how to…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on how to talk to women, the secret to texting, and a simple way to escape the friend zone. HOW TO TALK TO WOMEN I suck at flirting! When I try to flirt—I recently told a woman at a bookstore how gorgeous she is—I get weird looks. I feel like a creep. I’m just not…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on the best pickup lines on Tinder, a big secret to approaching women, and how to be confident on first dates. BEST PICKUP LINES ON TINDER You know what sucks? When I match with women on Tinder, send them that first message, and they don’t respond. I don’t know why this keeps happening. What’s the best pickup…
Dating coach Connell Barrett gives you questions to ask on a second date, shares the classy way to end things, and how to play it after sex. QUESTIONS TO ASK ON A SECOND DATE Connell, my first dates go well, but then I lose momentum. I really want a girlfriend, but I can’t get past date no. 2. The conversations lag. Any tips…
Dating coach Connell Barrett talks online dating tips for men, smashing out of the friend zone, and whether Tinder Gold is worth it. Online Dating Tips For Men DATING APP SINS I swipe and swipe and get no good matches on Tinder, except for women I’m just not attracted to. I’ve read a lot of online dating tips for men, and I’d like to…
Dating coach Connell Barrett answers your questions on virtual date ideas, how to not get ghosted, and the secret to flirting. VIRTUAL DATE IDEAS I need some virtual-date ideas. Any thoughts? —George, Port Chester, N.Y. “Virtual dating.” It sounds like something Harrison Ford did with a hologram in “Blade Runner.” Here are three virtual-date ideas that can help you turn up the chemistry with…